
The New AddMe Reviews User Update: What You Need to Know

AddMe UI Update Featured Image

The AddMe Reviews team are excited to release a new and exciting update on our reviews platform. These new features have been added to ultimately improve the experience of user’s. The updates aim to give customers more control and ease over how to request and manage all your online reviews. On Thursday 23rd March 17:00 … Read more

What Are The New AddMe Reviews Features?

AddMe Reviews Dashboard

The AddMe Reviews team are excited to share with you an update that will see many new exciting features added. These features have been designed to help you better manage your reviews. On Tuesday 7th September 17:00 AEST AddMe Reviews will experience 1 hour of downtime for maintenance. During this time we will be updating … Read more

Why Is AddMe Now AddMe Reviews?

AddMe Reviews App has a proud history of providing users with tools and services to improve their website’s exposure online since 1996. AddMe was one of the first companies to provide free SEO tools to increase website traffic. However, times have changed and solutions have needed to evolve to improve online exposure and website traffic. What used … Read more