When Did You Last Update Your Reviews & Testimonials Page?

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It’s the age of the online review. Customer reviews and testimonials have certainly come into their own in the last several years, and they are now one of the most important elements of an effective and comprehensive marketing strategy. Read on to learn more about why they are essential to your business, and how AddMe Reviews can empower you to start using them to their maximum effect.

Customer Reviews Build Trust

Consumers are wary of sales and marketing content generated by a business. However, they still expect the business itself to give them a sales pitch and paint their products and services in the best light. But when good reviews come from actual customers, people just like themselves who have no personal stake in the business, they are much more trustworthy. In several recent surveys, 97% percent of consumers say they search for and read reviews before making a purchasing decision. And 85% report report that they trust the reviews they read as much as they do a recommendation from their family and/or friends. You probably already have an established presence on the more popular review sources like Google, Yelp, and Facebook, which is great! But there’s a better place for you to be showcasing those testimonials, and that’s on your own website.

You should also allow people to read your amazing Google and Facebook reviews about your products and services, left by actual customers, on your own website aka customer testimonials. AddMe Reviews includes a service which we call Review Streaming. The Review Stream  allows you to easily and painlessly move all of your positive reviews from other sites to your own site, where you can start using them more effectively than ever. Review streaming allows you to take full control over your online testimonials and reviews.

Google Reviews & Your Website

Like a lot of businesses, you might think collecting reviews on the usual sites is good enough. The problem is, you have no control over the types of reviews being left. Consumers are seeing both positive and negative comments about your business, and they’re usually just short generic statements that don’t say anything specific about what a customer liked. By migrating your positive and more descriptive reviews and testimonials to your website you can focus on the comments that you want your visitors and prospective customers to read. Maximize their effectiveness and give a boost to your search rankings by using them on different pages. Here are some ways you can use your positive reviews throughout your site for the greatest impact.

Complete Hospitality Training Testimonials Example
  • Testimonial Page – Every website should have a dedicated testimonials page to showcase positive customer comments, and it’s the best page to add video reviews. Though consumers will most often look at a variety of sites to get a feel for your business, they’ll likely read through the testimonials on your own site too.
  • Home Page – You should have some visible reviews on your homepage where they will catch your visitors attention.
  • Products And Services Overview Page – Here is a chance to influence them with reviews from people with the same type of buyer personas, people they can relate to, and thus have more credibility with them.
  • Other Landing Pages – The nice thing about reviews is that they can be used just about anywhere. You don’t want to flood your pages with them, but having a few reviews on most types of pages is a good idea, and it helps your SEO.

Get Control Over Your Online Reviews

There’s no question that moving your positive reviews from Google and Facebook, to your website is the best way to take control of them and realize the maximum impact from them and Review Streaming from AddMe makes the process easy. You can automate the processes within the reviews software tool to save you time and money. It allows you to send your customers requests for reviews through email and SMS texts. You can also re-distribute your positive Google reviews to other sites like Facebook. Keep your negative reviews quarantined so you can discreetly respond to them offline. Receive email alerts whenever your business receives a new review, and the service is equipped with powerful analytics to give you valuable insights on your customers. Review Streaming is one of the best and most effective marketing tools you can use. 

Contact AddMe for more information, and find out all the things AddMe Reviews and Review Streaming can do for your business. Alternatively click the button below to begin a free trial and see the platform in action yourself.